Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog # 11 Let Them Eat Fat

IN " LET THEM EAT FAT ",Crister explains that all the fast food and national restaurant chains have grown very rapidly in poor communities.There is a supersizing sales gimmick that enlarges the order of a person's meal to double.This trend is getting very common and causing the caloric content of the meal rise up from about 680 clories to more than 1340 calories.

I never realized that fast food chains are becoming so much popular in poor communities and their increasing need for cheap meals outside the home.In the paragaraph,Greg Crister explains that the sales gimmick known as "SUPER SIZING" starts at 5 PM when various workers of poor communities get off from work and head for a quick meal to the fast food restaurants where they are cheerfully encouraged to Super-size their meal for some extra pennies. As quoted in the paragraph :"the fast restaurants have signs saying , If we don't recommend a supersize,the supersize is free!" A supersize meal order becomes the twice of the size regular meal.

These supersizing meals seem very cheap and very attractive to everyone and specially to the poor people.But these meals have very dangerous effect on health and has increased the huge amount of caloric content of 680 calories to 1340 calories per meal. According to the passage " U.S dietary guidelines,1340 calories respresent more than half of a teenager's recommended daily caloric consumption and the added calories themselves are protien-poor but fat and carbohydrates-rich" . These huge caloric meals have a easy availibility and they cause the physical activity become more less or about half among the teenage boys and girls.


  1. Blog Series Evaluation 4: This blog series is missing the summary/response to The Meatrix films as well as Blog 12.

    For the next blog series, I would like to challenge you to finish all entries on time.

  2. Hi Murad! Your clearly understood the reading. Good. Now you need to work towards something more than summary: you have to react to the reading and have an opinion beyond "I realize". I would suggest starting with one short paragraph of summary followed by a clear position: "I agree because" or "I disagree because" and then spend the rest of the essay explaining WHY you agree or disagree supported with examples from your experience and life. Where, for example, do you see examples of the fast-food fat in your neighborhood?

  3. Hi Murad. I am Professor Kristen Gallagher. I've been helping train tutors in the Writing Center for how to help students do better on this CATW test. You should come to the Writing Center and ask for CATW tutoring. It would really help you!! I agree with what Dr. Smith said. You need to learn the "personal response" part of what is needed to pass the CATW. This is an important skill not just for this test, but for all American style writing. You could talk about whether you have any experiences with McDonald's. Do you have any? Have you eaten there? If not, why not? If you have eaten there, did you like it? Are you surprised to learn the food there is so bad for your health? What do you think of that? Do you think it's fair that the only food poor people can afford is so unhealthy? Why is this legal? Do you think McDonald's should be pushing the "super-size" option so hard on people? Why or why not?

    Again, I encourage you to come to the Writing Center to get some individual help with learning about this kind of writing. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings you can ask for Juliana. On Wednesday afternoons you can ask for Miguel. If this doesn't sound like good times to go, stop by and ask when Miguel or Elvis will be working. Elvis and Miguel are our most expert CATW tutors.
