Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog # 19 The Stuff

A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually button less and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.
T-shirts are typically made of cotton or polyester fibers (or a mix of the two). T-shirts can be decorated with text and/or pictures, and are sometimes used to advertise.T-shirt fashions include styles for men and women, and for all age groups, including baby, youth, and adult sizes.
A life cycle study of one T-shirt brand shows that the carbodioxide emissions from a T-shirt is about 8.8 pounds including the growing of the cotton, manufacturing and wholesale distribution. The loss of natural habitat potential from the T-shirt is estimated to be 116 square feet.

Making T-shirts is a fairly simple and largely automated process. Specially designed machines integrate cutting, assembling, and stitching for the most efficient operations. The most commonly used seams for T-shirts are narrow, superimposed seams, which are usually made by placing one piece of fabric onto another and lining up the seam edges. These seams are frequently stitched with an over edge stitch, which requires one needle thread from above and two looper threads from below. This particular seam and stitch combination results in a flexible finished seam.
Another type of seam that may be used for T-shirts are bound seams, in which a narrow piece of fabric is folded around a seam, as at the neckline. These seams may be stitched together using a lock stitch, chain stitch, or over edge stitch. Depending on the style of the T-shirt, the order in which the garment is assembled may vary slightly.

These T shirts are very in expensive but they are sold in market with very high prices. One of my Uncle owns a garments factory and it only costs 3 cents to make a T shirt. But the process of making these shirts  harms the environment a lot. Because of all the waste and chemicals used in it.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog # 18

Summary: According to Mary Elizabeth Williams, cheaper stuff is getting dangerous for our lives. It seems really good to pay very less for something, but after using it for a while we throw it away in the trash and go for a new one,even its working, because it looks old or a new model has arrived in the market for a less price and the marketing companies convince people that they need to buy something new.

Thesis: Author is explaining that the cheaper things are getting bad for our lives. But why.?

Reason: Because it is becoming harmful for our environment.
Example: One of my friend threw his old watches and some electronic stuff, which was 80% made of plastic, in trash and than it was all burned. This burning of all that trash, carrying plastic, was polluting the atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog # 11 Let Them Eat Fat

IN " LET THEM EAT FAT ",Crister explains that all the fast food and national restaurant chains have grown very rapidly in poor communities.There is a supersizing sales gimmick that enlarges the order of a person's meal to double.This trend is getting very common and causing the caloric content of the meal rise up from about 680 clories to more than 1340 calories.

I never realized that fast food chains are becoming so much popular in poor communities and their increasing need for cheap meals outside the home.In the paragaraph,Greg Crister explains that the sales gimmick known as "SUPER SIZING" starts at 5 PM when various workers of poor communities get off from work and head for a quick meal to the fast food restaurants where they are cheerfully encouraged to Super-size their meal for some extra pennies. As quoted in the paragraph :"the fast restaurants have signs saying , If we don't recommend a supersize,the supersize is free!" A supersize meal order becomes the twice of the size regular meal.

These supersizing meals seem very cheap and very attractive to everyone and specially to the poor people.But these meals have very dangerous effect on health and has increased the huge amount of caloric content of 680 calories to 1340 calories per meal. According to the passage " U.S dietary guidelines,1340 calories respresent more than half of a teenager's recommended daily caloric consumption and the added calories themselves are protien-poor but fat and carbohydrates-rich" . These huge caloric meals have a easy availibility and they cause the physical activity become more less or about half among the teenage boys and girls.

School-stuff: Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World

1st Evaluation : School-stuff: Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World: "Practice CATW #3 As the technology is showing improvements, unfortunately that is give more access to some sick people to us..."

Raissa: Blog Entry 3.3 Practice CAT #3

2nd Evaluation : Raissa: Blog Entry 3.3 Practice CAT #3: " In the article “The Net Is the Real world' the authors talk about the recent case of the teenager who killed himself after finding out th..."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog # 8

" TRUMAN SYNDROME ", a delusion afflicting people who are convinced that their lives are being played out on a reality TV show. Scientists say that the disorder underscores the influence on mental conditions of a patient. Many patients believe that their every move is being  filmed for a TV show.The question is : Is this just a new twist on an old paranoid or grandiose delusion? or is there sort of a perfect storm of the culture we are in,in which fame holds such high value?

A psychiatrist,Dr Joel Gold, says that he encountered five patients with delusion related to the reality TV. Several of them specifically mentioned " The Truman Show " the Oscar-nominated movie stars Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. He leads a merrily uneventful life until he realizes his friends and family are actors,his seaside town is a TV sound stage and every moment of his life has been broadcast. Dr.Gold and his brother, a psychologist,have started research and present their observations at medical schools since 2006. They have learned of about 50 more people with the similar symptoms and are now working on a scholarly paper.

One of a patient in Austria believed that she had become a walking webcam and according to Austrian patient's psychiatrist, 'Reality Television may help such patients convince themselves their experiences are plausible. That's not to say reality shows make healthy people delusie but the people who become sick are becoming sick quicker and other researchers aren't convinced,but still find the " Truman Syndrome " an interesting example of culture and mental health.



Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software..

In my opinion cloning is an artifical process of reproduction and it can be  harmful, because if a human is cloned and if  the copy of that person is an evil minded person, it can harm the society or the world.

Cloning of Dolly Sheeps is also done and they are used for consuming meat from them.But these artificially produced Dolly Sheeps and their meat can be harmful for health,because these Sheeps are not born naturally but produced artificially.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Brainstorming about Technology"

Tool..: Anything used as a means of accomplishing a task , purpose or for doing work.
Technology..: The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life with engineering, applied science, and pure science. 
Cybrog...: A cybrmetic organism , a being with both biological and artificial and artificial parts.

What technologies define your daily life..??

Facebook.: To keep in touch with my friends and family.
Cell Phone..: To make calls, text,web,etc.
Metro Card..: To travel everyday.
Laptop..: To do my Homework.
Camera..: To take pictures of different things and my self.
Electric Shaver..: To shave my Beard..:D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog 4 Revised

Summary of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates discusses about, How most of the people spend their lives being ignorant and comfortable with that lifestyle is simply a choice.They don’t try to get out of the circle in which they have tied themselves.  He explains that, prisoners are tied with chains,facing a wall in a cave so they cannot move.Behind them a fire is blazing at a distance and between the prisoners and the fire there is a road or a passage and they could only see what ever passes through that road it created a shadow on that wall. Men carrying various materials which appeared over the wall as a shadow and the prisoners only recognized one thing in their life are those shadows.Among them a prisoner was released and he went out of the cave and saw the colors of the world and learned new things and came back to the cave again to tell his mates about the outer world of the cave but all the other prisoners thought that he is also the same shadow that they see every day and didn't  recognize their mate and never tried to learn what he was trying to teach them.

Write your summary of what goes on, explaining the main points. Check the Summary Evaluation Checklist to make sure you are fulfilling all elements of a summary. Underline Platos’s thesis]

My Place in the Cave
[Please begin with YOUR thesis and underline it].___________________________etc.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog#6 "What are the similarities and differences between The Truman Show and Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave"?"

Most people ,including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance,because its all we know. But once you go beyond your ignorance you will not ever want to go back to being ignorant.But the people don't want to go beyond and if any one goes beyond and tries to tell other people about the realities of the world they ignore him and live the way they have been living all their life.
The same way in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". He explains that prisoners are tied with chains,facing a wall in a cave so they cannot move.Behind them, a fire is blazing at a distance. Between the prisoners and the fire there is a road or a passage. They could only see whatever passes through that road. It created a shadow on that wall. Men carrying various materials which appeared over the wall as a shadow and the prisoners only recognized one thing in their life are those shadows.Among them a prisoner was released and he went out of the cave and saw the colors of the world and learned new things and came back to the cave again to tell his mates about the outer world of the cave but all the other prisoners thought that he is also the same shadow that they see every day and didn't  recognize their mate and never tried to learn what he was trying to teach them.
In the same way the Truman show is on the same pattern.  TO BE CONTINUED.............

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Allegory Of The Cave

SUMMARY: In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", Socrates explains how  "Most people ,including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance,because its all we know. But once you go beyond your ignorance you will not ever want to go back to being ignorant". But the people don't want to go beyond and if any one goes beyond and wants to teach them the truth they ignore him and live the way they have been living all their life.

He explains that prisoners are tied with chains,facing a wall in a cave so they cannot move.Behind them a fire is blazing at a distance and between the prisoners and the fire there is a road or a passage and they could only see what ever passes through that road it created a shadow on that wall. Men carrying various materials which appeared over the wall as a shadow and the prisoners only recognized one thing in their life are those shadows.Among them a prisoner was released and he went out of the cave and saw the colors of the world and learned new things and came back to the cave again to tell his mates about the outer world of the cave but all the other prisoners thought that he is also the same shadow that they see every day and didn't  recognize their mate and never tried to learn what he was trying to teach them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

" Things I Need to Remember When I Write Summaries."

1.I need to use the author's name in my summary.
2.I need to write the summary of the passage in the beginning of my paragraph to show the readers that i understand what the story is about.
3.I need to explain clearly the significance of each idea and the way it is linked to other ideas.
4.I need to give a reference to the passage (quotes,paraphrases).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steps I need to pass my CATW

There are several ways to write a CATW essay. Reading passages of the CATW reading sections are about 250-300 words and I need to write an essay gathering the information form that passage. I have a limited time of about 90 minutes to write the passage. So i will split my time in three sections. The first section will be reading the passage and getting the author's main idea, Pre-writing and summarise the passage in my own words to write the essay.

I will split my 90 minutes in three sections, I will read the passage for about 10 minutes and understand the passage and the author's main idea. after that I will pre-write my essay in my own words and spend about 20 minutes and finally write the essay and review in 50 minutes.

First, In my essay i will summarize the passage in my own words. I will state the author's most important ideas about the passage. Develop my essay by identifying atleast one idea in the passage in my own words that I feel especially significant. I will support my claims with examples drawn from what I have read and experienced in my life.

After, I will write my essay and after completing I will review my essay and make any changes or corrections, if needed,  that will help my reader to follow what I have written about and use appropriate vocabulary to make ideas more clear.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HYPE # 1

The topic "HYPE" talks about all kinds of advertisements. Any where your eyes can possibly come to a rest can be filled with a logo or a product message. Advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants. Your brain is polluted at the rate of about 3000 marketing messages per day. Each day an estimated 12 billion display ads , 3 million radio commercials and almost 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into North America.

Also, there are too many ads on different places near you. You fill your car with gas and there is an ad on the nozzle. Your kids watch Pepsi and Snickers ads in the classroom. There are also ads on the Cabs, buses, trains, subways etc. A company called VideoCarte installs interactive screens on supermarket carts so that you can see ads while you shop. ( A company executive calls the little monitors " the most powerful micro marketing medium available today.") There is nowhere to run off these advertisements. No one is exempt and no one will be spared.